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ICCO Accessories - Wholesale


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ICCO Accessories - Wholesale(圖1)-速報App

Located at the heart of Los Angeles Wholesale Fashion District, ICCO Accessories by Pola Fashion is one of the few accessory stores with variety to cater different wholesalers and retailers. Pola Fashion has been in the business for more than 20 years and created ICCO accessories to bring you tomorrow's fashion accessories today, so you can stay ahead of the game. ICCO accessories not only has the knowledge about fashion wholesale business but also has an eye to read the latest trend and integrate it when buying merchandise from various vendors around the world. [Business Hours] Monday to Friday 9:00 to 5:30 pacific time Contact Info: Tel. 213-746-1167 email: icco.online@gmail.com

ICCO Accessories - Wholesale(圖2)-速報App

ICCO Accessories - Wholesale(圖3)-速報App
